ADC Newsletter features EDS as Member in focus

The latest newsletter from the  Association of Diving Contractors features EDS as this issue’s “Member in Focus”.

EDS are proud members of the ADC and welcome any opportunity to support our professional association. Last month we were delighted to welcome ADC Secretary Mr Roger O’Kane to Dragon House, showing him around our workshop and facilities, our increasing range of specialist equipment and explained our expanding capabilities. We presented some of the technical challenges encountered on a number of recent projects and also why EDS choose to directly employ and train our teams, retaining valuable skills and knowledge within the Company.  We also enjoyed good discussions on issues currently facing our industry, changing pressures and the wider implications of global markets.

It also gave one of our Supervisors, Sion Morgan, the opportunity to sit and pass the ADC Supervisors Exam, congratulations on a good result.

The editorial “Member in Focus…….EDS” features on a double page spread in the latest ADC newsletter, which you can read here:- ADC NL1 2016 (A4)

The ADC is always seeking new members, either corresponding, associate or fully active. Details on joining can be found on their website, membership enquiries should be submitted by E Mail to the following address: